If you are not using task cards in your high school math class, you are missing out on a lot of fun and engaging activities! Task Cards can be used in a variety of ways to mix things up in your classroom and keep your students engaged.

Here are 10 great ways you can use task cards in your classroom:

1. Bellringer

Task Cards are a great way to kick off your class. They are easy to distribute and the students can get started right away. You can start class with a quick task card challenge to review previous concepts or even to introduce a new one!

2. Math Stations

Sometimes students need an entire class period where they can work on a specific skill. Pre-made Task Cards like these make it easy to set up a series of stations that students can rotate through independently or in small groups/.

3. Ticket Out the Door

You can use Task Cards as a quick assessment tool to gauge students’ understanding at the end of the lesson.

4. Review Games

Task Cards are perfect to use for scavenger hunts or other whole class games before a test. Split your class into teams and use the Task Cards as your question deck!

5. Round Robin Activity

This is my FAVORITE way to use Task Cards in my class. In fact, I’ve devoted a whole post to this. You can find it here. This activity gives students the chance to work with several classmates and keeps things lively!

6. Small Group Cohorts

Split your students into small groups of 2-4 and give them a stack of Task Cards to work through! Students can learn so much from each other!

7. Test Prep

You can use Task Cards to simulate exam questions and help students practice problem-solving under timed conditions.

8. Rotating Review

Use Task Cards as a quick way to review concepts throughout the year. Maybe you don’t want to do a whole assignment or lesson on a topic; just use a few Task Cards to keep the students’ skills sharp!

9. Extra Credit or Tutoring

Do you have students who need a little extra practice on a skill? Give them a set of Task Cards they can work through at home or during tutoring!

10. Substitute Teacher Activity

Keep a stack of Task Cards in your sub folder to provide a sub with a structured, student-led activity they can oversee while you’re away! Choose a Task Card set that reviews a fundamental skill, and you know your day away will not be wasted! There are always concepts students can use extra practice on, right?

Task Cards are a great way to keep your students engaged , encourage personal involvement, and provide differentiation in your classroom. There are so many possibilities for how they can enhance your lessons.

Here are some Task Card sets to get you started