A Winter Skip Counting Activity: 2’s through 9’s


All of the snowmen have lost their hats! Students will help each snowman find his hat again by skip-counting their way through a maze.


All of the snowmen have lost their hats! Students will help each snowman find his hat again by skip-counting their way through a maze.

This cute 35-page packet includes puzzles for counting by 2’s, 3’s 4’s, 5’s, 6’s, 7’s, 8’s and 9’s, with two variations for each number. There is a simple version of each puzzle with only one hat, and there is a more difficult version with five hats, but only one correct path!

For an extra challenge, the final puzzle has snowmen numbered 3 through 9, and the students will find their way through the maze counting by each number!

This is a colorful and fun way to practice skip counting!